Working out with consistency is important for achieving fitness results. Creating a workout plan will help you to achieve greater consistency. A commitment to a regular workout regimen will increase your fitness level, improve your health and generate a greater sense of mental well being.

Creating a Workout Plan to Achieve Consistency
Committing to a fitness regimen means mapping out a plan for an activity or a series of activities that can be done with consistency. For some people, it is common to become energized about working out and jump right in. In these cases, unless there is a long-term plan in place or some thought has gone into how the fitness activity will be sustained, there is often a drop off in enthusiasm, resulting in inconsistency.A well thought out fitness plan will go a long way in helping you to reach your goals. To achieve consistency, you will want to think about the types of exercise that you can do on a regular basis. You will want to exercise at least three to four times per week for the best results. Getting a gym membership, purchasing home exercise equipment, investing in exercise DVDs or buying a bicycle may be some of the things you want or need to work out with consistency.
Scheduling Your Workout
Once you have decided on the type of exercise you want to engage in, creating consistency means being realistic about how much time you need to devote to your regular exercise regimen. Create a workout schedule that involves at least a few minutes a day for a warm up, 20 minutes for a cardio activity and additional time for strength training and a cool down. You might write down your schedule to solidify your commitment to your exercise plan.
The Impact of Consistency on Physical Health
Working out with consistency is important for your physical health. Running for five miles on one day only to avoid exercising for the next two weeks will only leave you feeling sore. It is too straining for the body to experience sporadic spurts of strenuous exercise. For optimal results, you will want to build up to higher and higher levels of cardiovascular strength, flexibility and strength training. A gradual increase in intensity will allow your muscles, tendons and ligaments a chance to adjust to the strains and challenges of a fitness regimen.
Consistent Workouts and Mental Health
A consistent workout regimen reduces stress and increases your mental well being. When you work out regularly, your body releases endorphins that enhance your mood. You have probably experienced these positive feelings after finishing a cardiovascular workout. You might also find that when you go for days or weeks of not exercising, your energy level decreases and your mood is not as heightened.
Sticking to a regular exercise regimen will keep you feeling revived both physically and mentally. When you exercise with consistency, your muscles will develop gradually and your mind will experience reduced levels of stress and greater relaxation.